Security Leader

Challenges of a Security Leader

Security is about ensuring that nothing bad happens. How to prove the value in that case to the business? Security leaders are challenged to stabilize or reduce security budgets and demonstrate the value of their activities. The problem is that standard calculations to evaluate investments are based on expected cash flow. Investments in security are difficult to value using these common methodologies, leaving frustration on all sides of the discussion.

As security leader, you need to count on many people to keep you informed about the latest security situation on your sites. Many companies are reducing the number of dedicated security specialists, leading to incomplete or incorrect information.

You have set security guidelines, but are struggling to assess and follow-up compliance. Are risks mitigated to an acceptable level? Can the security design be optimised, without negatively affecting the risk levels. all-in-one software

Strengthen your position as a business enabler by demonstrating the value.
Effectively visualize and demonstrate the Return on Security Investment (ROSI) to your stakeholders. Our intuitive dashboard allows you to showcase KPIs and the Total Cost of Ownership of your security controls. By leveraging these metrics, you can clearly communicate the value of your security efforts and the evidence of the impact on the bottom line.
Centralising physical security activities or moving away from security services being part of an FM model? The platform supports data collection on risks and risk controls, providing you with a comprehensive view of the security status at your sites.
Run a global program, where you can set security strategies, policies, and standards, coordinate audits, and assess implementation and compliance.
Ensure accurate and consistent risk identification and assessment, regardless of the person performing the task.
Design and implement the optimal security solution for your needs. Track fluctuations in security risk levels and adapt controls.
Monitor the cost and performance of security controls and providers. Ensure systems are operational, procedures are executed and security guards are trained and executing tasks as agreed.
Avoid scattering confidential security information by securely storing your risk and security data on our highly secure platform.

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